SCIENCE, and a great step for humanity

The book "SCIENCE, and a great step for humanity!" discovers, at first-hand, the Spanish contribution to the Conquest of the Moon as well as other scientific "big steps".

Prof. Martín Martínez Ripoll, researcher of the Institute of Chemistry-Physics "Rocasolano" -CSIC, has participated in the dissemination work "SCIENCE, and a great step for humanity!!!", the third installment of a trilogy in which it is discovered at first hand, the Spanish contribution to the Conquest of the Moon as well as other scientific "big steps ...", some that have been and others that will be.

The book "SCIENCE, and a great step for humanity!!!" has been coordinated by the science communicator Quintin Garrido and Ana S. Casalvilla and it is available under Creative Commons license. The book consists of twenty-eight chapters written by excellent scientists, who under the premise of "... great steps for humanity" draw us a very interesting historical-scientific view. No doubt this book will contribute to a better formation of our young people, and represents an excellent support for the development of vocations. Not least is the fact that this book also represents a new milestone in science dissemination as a reward for society.

Our colleague, Prof. Martín Martínez Ripoll, has contributed to this book through the chapter entitled "X-rays: finding and consequences of a prodigious light" (, guiding us from the fortuitous discovery of this radiation and its important applications in medicine, leading to its application as "light" able to show us the shape and dimensions of any molecule in crystalline form, ie, ordered matter, which constitutes the base of the so-called Crystallography. Thanks to X-rays, Crystallography became one of the basic disciplines for many branches of science, and especially the Physics and Chemistry of condensed matter, Biology and Biomedicine.

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