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In its 88-year story, the mission of our institute has been to carry out excellence research in fundamental and applied physical chemistry, contributing to the scientific training of several generations of researchers at the highest level. Our vision is to be an international reference in multidisciplinary research focused on the resolution of the present challenges of our society in the fields of health, biotechnology, new materials, and environment.



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Seminario impartido por Héctor García Seisdedos del Instituto de Biología Molecular de Barcelona

These structures are not forgotten due to lack of interest but rather because they are difficult to study. Until now, there has been only one published structure of an antiparallel triplex, and that was 30 years ago.

Los días 5, 7, 8 y 9 de febrero, en horario de 11 a 13, nuestro compañero Pepe Marco impartirá el curso "Espectroscopía Mössbauer: Principios básicos y aplicación a la caracterización de materiales" en el aula 215 del IQF. La asistencia es libre hasta completar aforo.


Flexible structural arrangement and DNA-binding properties of protein p6 from Bacillus subtillis phage φ29

Seminario impartido por Eva Estébanez Perpiñá, de la Universidad de Barcelona

We provide the first experimental analysis of AGT structural dynamics, showing that stability is heterogeneous in the native state and providing a blueprint for frustrated regions with potentially functional relevance.

Seminario impartido por el Dr. Martín Pérez Rodríguez,, del grupo de Mecánica Estadística y Materia Condensada del IQF

The next Curie Colloquium will take place on Tuesday 19 December. The speaker will be Beatriz Roldán, from the Fritz Haber Institute, who will talk about new technologies for energy generation and storage.