2017 - 2018

Organizadores: José Miguel Mancheño y Esther Rebollar

For most humans, vision constitutes our main way to apprehend the world. We understand information best when we can structure it in a tridimensional frame.

This explains the impact of crystallography from its onset, a century ago, as it allows to see in atomic detail the main players in chemical and biological processes. Still, deriving a three-dimensional structure from the diffraction experiment requires overcoming "the phase problem".  This seminar will describe the evolution of crystallographic methods to overcome the phase problem along with the milestones reached in chemistry and biology along this quest. Interestingly, the field of crystallography has been marked by the character of its pioneers, possibly having determined aspects such as the percentage of women scientists in this field, its collaborative spirit, support of education and science in emergent economies. Finally, current exciting development in structural biology and future perspectives will be presented.

SEMINAR’S DATE, TIME AND PLACE: Wednesday, April 18, 2018. 12:00. Assembly Hall

SPEAKER: Isabel Usón Finkenzeller


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